Veterans’ Course Material

“Law and Veterans’ Issues: Policy Challenges and Best Practices” Mini-Course, Harris School of Public Policy at The University of Chicago.

The following research material was used in this mini-course. Additionally, there is supplemental research and resource material that has been added, which was received after the completion of the mini-course. A course description and outline is provided in  the link below:

This research material is generally organized along the topics covered in the mini-course, in the order that they were presented, as follows: introduction to veterans’ issues; veterans’ PTSD, TBI, mental health; legal issues/veterans’ courts; housing and homelessness, and employment and training.

IMPORTANT: My intention is for this to be a “living site”, where people might suggest additional research material for inclusion on each of the topics covered. Should you be aware of any research studies, professional journal articles, and/or links to relevant sites on the topics covered that should be included in this list, please email them to me at (

Organizations desiring to link directly to this page on my site should email me at ( for permission to do so.

I gratefully acknowledge and sincerely appreciate the resource and research material provided by the course speakers, in addition to that provided by such organizations as the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA), and the Warrior and Family Support Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

I hope that you find this research and resource material useful and helpful.


Very truly yours,


Paul A. Dillon,

Creator and Co-Instructor

“Law and Veterans’ Issues: Policy Challenges and Best Practices” Mini-Course

Veterans’ course resources can be found at the following link.